III Level Course
"Control and Optimization in Smart-Grids"
Teacher: Fredy Orlando Ruiz-Palacios
(Pontificia Universidad Javeriana of Bogota', Colombia)
Aims of course
In recent years, several factors have induced a revolution in the
way power systems are operated and controlled. For example, the
incorporation of renewable energies to the generation portfolio imposes
limitations in the controllability of the power generation. In few
decades, the operation has evolved from big (usually national) electric
companies that own and operate generation plants, transmission assets
and distribution systems to a dynamic environment with many players
that compete in uncertain markets, selling and buying energy from
traditional and random sources. There is also a social pressure to
reduce the carbon foot-print of the energy sector.
The introduction of Information and communication technologies (ICT) in
the electric sector has opened a great opportunities for the
application of optimization and automatic control techniques in the
operation of the power systems. For example, the optimal scheduling of
generation plants in front of uncertain renewable source, or the
manipulation of flexible loads, such as, electric vehicles to balance
load and generation. The new environment is plenty of opportunities for
the application of optimization and control methods, for the proper
sizing, design and operation of modern (smart) grids.
This course describes some of the existing challenges in smart-grids,
where researchers from the control community can offer possible
innovative solutions. Some of these challenges are the optimal
management of flexible loads to minimize the requirement of
carbon-intensive generation, or the automatic operation of storage
devices, minimizing the negative effect of variable wind sources.
Course length: 20
language: English
Course schedule:
- lesson #1:
Tuesday 08/05/2018, from 14.00 to 18:00, c/o Aula C
lesson #2:
Thursday 10/05/2018, from 09.00 to 12:00, c/o Aula C
- laboratory: Tuesday 15/05/2018, from
09.00 to 12:00, c/o LaDiSpe sez. Automatica
- lesson #3: Thursday 17/05/2018, from
09.00 to 12:00, c/o Aula C
- lesson #4: Tuesday 22/05/2018,
from 14.00 to 18:00, c/o Aula C
- lesson #5: Thursday 24/05/2018, from
09.00 to 12:00, c/o Aula C
The lessons will be held in AULA C (near Aula 14), while the
will be held in LADISPE sez. Automatica (just over Aula 14) of the
Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129, Torino.
Involved Doctorate Courses:
Ing. Informatica e dei Sistemi; Energetica; Fisica;
Fluidodinamica; Ing. Aerospaziale; Ing. Ambientale; Ing. Biomedica;
Ing. Chimica; Ing. Civile e Ambientale; Ing. delle Strutture; Ing.
Elettrica; Ing. Elettronica; Ing. Elettrica, Elettronica e delle
Comunicazioni; Ing. Idraulica; Matematica per le Scienze
dell'Ingegneria; Ing. Meccanica; Meccanica Applicata; Meccatronica;
Metrologia: Scienze e Tecnica delle Misure; Progettazione e Costruzione
di Macchine; Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali
Course contents
1) Introduction to Power systems operation.
In this introductory session, a broad overview of power systems is
performed. It is described how electric systems are operated today.
Then, the challenges imposed by the introduction of renewable sources
and possible solutions are illustrated.
a. From generation to the consumer.
b. From vertically integrated utilities to
deregulated markets.
c. ICT in power systems.
d. Renewable energies and the grid revolution.
e. Modeling and prediction of wind and solar
f. Dispatching random sources.
g. Ancillary services and new market actors.
2) Reorganization of electricity markets.
The co-existence of a variety of generation technologies is an
interesting problem from a gaming point of view and even more with the
integration of DR into the electricity market. The generators have
different technologies, costs, revenues, and each firm seeks to
maximize its profit (the difference between producer's revenue and
costs). The system operator is responsible for arbitrage services in
order to establish a proper environment for competition, guaranteeing a
reliable operation and minimizing cost and possibly green-house
emissions. In this session variants of the classic economic dispatch
are studied.
a. Selling random energy (Incorporation of
uncertain renewables in energy markets).
b. Joint energy and reserve markets, bi-level
c. Time of use tariffs.
d. Duration differentiated energy services.
3) Demand side management.
Demand Response (DR) is one of the most vital parts of the future smart
grid. There are different ways to activate DR in the electric power.
Broadly defined, controllable programs and indirect methods are found
as DR solutions, which, are tools implemented by system operator (SO)
to balance the demand with power generation by means of load
modification. In particular, indirect methods are performed by changing
energy price or giving an incentive payment. There are three key
components of an incentive-based DR program:
1) A baseline, 2) A payment scheme and 3) Terms and conditions (such as
penalties). Given the fact that incentive-based DR presents gaming
concerns, mechanism design or contracts are studied in order to address
these problems and guaranteeing that each agent reveals his truthful
private information. Some solutions for DR are presented and
their properties analyzed.
a. The new role of the consumer-prosumer.
b. Incentive-based demand response.
i. Strategic
User behavior.
ii. Mechanism design
for DR.
iii. The baseline estimation
4) Flexible loads and DR.
Balance problems can be handled by DR initiatives in the energy
consuming sectors. In order to solve balance problems, these sectors
take advantage of several flexible loads that can provide energy
services to the grid. Flexible loads can be clustered into two
categories: adjustable and deferrable loads. An adjustable load is
flexible during all time service. For example, Thermostatically
Controlled Loads (TCLs) are adjusted by modifying the temperature
set-point fixed by the user. A deferrable load has a fixed energy
requirement at the end of the service. For example, a pool pump must be
switched on a determined amount of time by the end of the day and can
provide regulation services by turning it on and off; or an Electric
Vehicle (EV) state of charge should be above a certain level at the
departure time. Flexible loads can provide ancillary services such as
regulation, spinning reserve, among others.
a. Direct load control.
i. Optimal scheduling
of flexible loads.
ii. The aggregation and
synchronization problem.
b. Electric vehicles.
i. The Vehicle
to grid concept.
ii. EVs as storage
iii. Economic MPC of Vehicle
charging operation.
iv. Offering ancillary
services through optimal charging.
5) Control of Micro-grids.
In standalone micro-grids, like the ones built in rural and remote
regions with no access to the power grid, it is essential to have
control systems that ensure optimal performance in the generation and
storage of electrical energy for long periods of time.
Proper sizing of generation and storage assets is a fundamental step in
the development of isolated systems. Also, proper estimation of the
Battery State of Charge (SoC) is a fundamental problem in micro-grids
operation. Finally, matching load with generation comes
as a low-cost solution in isolated systems with limited energy supply.
a. Lean energy concept
b. What criteria shall be used for optimal
grid sizing?
c. Balancing generation with demand.
d. Battery state of charge estimation.
e. Expanding battery life with Demand side
In addition to theoretical lectures, where the basic concepts and
results are developed, a simulation session is developed, where sample
problems and case studies are solved employing numeric methods and
scientific software tools, such as Matlab.
Essential references:
Kirschen D., Strbac G.,
Fundamentals of Power System Economics,
& Sons, ISBN: 978-0470845721,
Conejo A.J., Madsen H., Pinson P., Zugno M., Integrating Renewables in Electricity
Markets: Operational Problems, Springer: International Series in
Operations Research and Management Science, vol. 205, DOI:
10.1007/978-1-4614-9411-9, 2014.
Rajagopal R., Khargonekar P. P., Poolla K., Varaiya P., Bringing Wind Energy to Market,
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 1225-1235,
August 2012.
Rajagopal R., Bitar E., Varaiya P., Wu F., Risk-Limiting Dispatch for Integrating
Renewable Power. International Journal of Electrical Power &
Energy Systems, vol. 44, 2011.
Teaching material:
Final exam: rules
For further information,
please contact:
- prof. Fredy Ruiz, tel.
011-090.7063, e-mail: ruizf@javeriana.edu.co
- prof. Michele Taragna, tel. 011-090.7063, e-mail: michele.taragna@polito.it
Michele Taragna
Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 23/05/2018,